
US Contact : Mieko Braun



Disaster communication


Push delivery system for emergency notifications.

Intelligent Network Selector

Auto Net Switcher

Company Profile

About Us


Disaster communication IP-PTT


Push delivery system for emergency notifications.

Intelligent Network Selector

Auto Net Switcher


Photo & video sharing system


Rapid relay and location display service

Company Profile

About Us

Privacy Policy

Telenet Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") recognizes the importance of protecting customers' personal information, and in order to build lasting relationships of trust with customers, we have established a privacy policy as follows. We will strive to appropriately protect personal information.

1. Handling of personal information

Personal information that will be handled in the course of our company's operations and operations entrusted to us by other business operators (sales and brokerage of products and services of other business operators, etc.) will be handled within the scope necessary for the execution of the business.
Furthermore, when acquiring, using, or providing personal information, we will clearly state the purpose and do so with the consent of the customer.

2. Purpose of use of personal information

Personal information held by our company will be used within the scope of the following purposes.
Sales promotion activities, questionnaire surveys, sending of prizes, etc. regarding our products and services through various media such as telephone, e-mail, and postal mail.
Sending, delivering and installing purchased products, billing and collecting for products, changing service provision conditions, suspending, discontinuing, and notifying contract cancellations, and providing other services handled by our company.
Improving our services, developing new services, and recommending them.
Response to inquiries and consultations.

3. Provision of personal information to third parties

Our company will not provide personal information to a third party without the customer's consent, except as required by law.

4. Compliance with laws, national guidelines, and other norms

Regarding the handling of personal information, our company complies with JISQ15001, the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, the guidelines of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan.

5. Subcontracting

If it is necessary for our business, we may outsource tasks such as input/output and management of personal information to trusted contractors.
In this case, in order to make the outsourcing process transparent, we will publicize the details of the outsourcing and take the following measures to carry out necessary and appropriate supervision of the outsourcing company.
We will outsource the work to a company that meets the required standards stipulated in our company regulations.
We will conclude a contract to ensure the safe management of personal information.
In order to understand the handling status of personal information, we will mutually confirm the extent to which the contents included in the outsourcing contract are being implemented.
Additionally, we will not provide information to subcontractors that is not necessary for the outsourced work.

6. Safe management of personal information

Our company strives to maintain the accuracy of personal information and manages it safely.
In order to prevent the loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information, our company will take appropriate information security measures against unauthorized access, computer viruses, etc.
Additionally, if any problems are found with these preventive measures, we will immediately correct them.
When you return to our website, we may use cookies to make it more convenient for you to browse our website. Cookies are information that a homepage sends to your browser and is recorded on your computer. However, the information recorded does not include any information that identifies individuals, such as your name, address, telephone number, or e-mail address. Additionally, it will not have any negative impact on your computer.
Our company will provide education to its officers and employees on how to protect and properly manage customer personal information, and will ensure that customer personal information is handled appropriately in daily operations.

7. Procedures for notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc.

If you request notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, etc. of personal information held by our company, we will respond in accordance with our regulations after confirming that the request is from the person in question in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
If you wish to suspend the use of personal information held by our company, we will voluntarily comply with the suspension of use after confirming that the request comes from the person in question.

8. Response to complaints and consultations

Inquiries, complaints, requests for disclosure, etc. regarding our handling of personal information and safety management measures are accepted below.
Contact info: contact@telenet.co.jp

9. Revision history

Our company may revise all or part of the contents of this privacy policy.
If we make any revisions, we will make them public by posting them on this homepage (https://telenet.co.jp/en/privacy.html).

Established on April 1, 2005
Revised March 8, 2019
Telenet Co., Ltd. Representative Director and President Takako Aoyama